Sit-at-home: Private schools in Enugu kick against Saturday school


The Association of Private School Owners of Nigeria (APSON) has kicked against the adoption of Saturday as school day to make up for the loss every Monday.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reported that schools in the South-east are being forced to close on Mondays due to the sit-at-home order.

This is happening even after the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra, which issued the order to show solidarity to its detained Leader, Nnamdi Kanu, had cancelled it.

In a statement issued in Enugu and made available to the NAN, the Chairman of Enugu chapter of APSON, Mr Emeka Grahams, appealed to the state government not to introduce the Saturday school policy in the state.

Grahams was reacting to the Anambra Government’s policy adopting Saturday as a school day to replace Monday, with effect from October 30.

He contended that adopting such a policy without recourse to school owners, parents and students would affect the school system.

According to him, Saturdays are work-free days all over the world for workers to rest, engage in activities such as celebration, house chores and cleaning, especially during state monthly environmental sanitation.

“Some weeks back, I heard that some schools in Enugu now run Saturday classes to enable them deal with the loss and setback occasioned by the Monday sit-at-home order.

“At first, I thought it impossible and incredible how proprietors could impose it on their teachers, students and parents.

“While still wondering and pondering over this, the news came about Anambra’s take-off of the same policy of opening schools on Saturdays to commence on Oct. 30,’’ Grahams stated.

He noted the rumour of other southeast states following suit had been rife and consistent.

He also stated that the policy ought to be brought to a roundtable, where stakeholders in the education sector would make input rather than forcing it on teachers, parents, school owners and students/pupils.

Grahams, therefore, berated schools, teachers, proprietors and students engaging in academic programmes on Saturdays.

He stated that with the policy, some parents, proprietors and even teachers, who give out their children for marriage on Saturdays, would constantly seek permission to attend.

“Some parents, teachers, students and proprietors attend burials, marriages and other ceremonies on Saturdays.

“Others, who engage as best men, bridal train, girls and men on asho-ebi (uniform) or suit, will definitely come to you for permission.

“The students, pupils are the little brides, grooms, flower girls and stuff like that and definitely you won’t see them in school each time they have a wedding to attend,’’ he added.

Grahams argued that Saturday school would “leave teachers smiling before their employers as well as suffering and murmuring behind them”.

He feared that the policy would force many of them out of the system, thus compounding the post COVID-19 impact on the system .

The only way out, according to him, is to extend the learning period from the shortened school periods.

“Some schools, which dismiss between 2pm and 4pm, can make an extension of two to three hours, bringing their closing time to between 4pm and 6pm.

“The additional two hours, multiplied by four school days, offer us eight hours to deal with the Monday sit-at-home and this is more than enough for one day learning plan.

“Schools can also be asked to commence lessons earlier than 8am by resuming at 6am, conduct morning devotion from 6.30am to 7am,’’ he stated.

He added that roll calls could be done from 7am to 7.15am, while the first period of 45 minutes could run from 7.15am to 8am, “giving us four more periods for the four days of school”.

He argued that it would be unfair to teachers that while other professionals would be home resting and enjoying themselves on Saturdays, they would be in the classroom teaching.


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