Niger Bridge on my mind by Acho Orabuchi


Let us not forget that Niger Bridge is the only link by road between Southeast and Delta, Old Mid­west, and Old West. That link will be broken caus­ing enormous economic disruption and dislocation for the entire South, particularly the entire Old Eastern Region if inaction prevails. Therefore, a mere possibility of the collapse of the Niger Bridge should be a heightened concern to everyone, par­ticularly the federal government.

Whenever I visited Nigeria in the past, I had always flown from either Lagos or Abuja to my final destination. Thus, I did not have the opportunity to cross the Niger Bridge for sev­eral years until last year. But this time was an exception.

Yes, this time I travelled by road and the only connecting link from Lagos to Onitsha was the Niger Bridge. But the dreadful traffic leading to the Niger Bridge was not the only thing that had found permanence on my mind. When it was our turn on December 28, 2015 to funnel through the bridge at about 30 miles per hour speed, I looked through the window and it was a scary sight. My fret was intermittently elevated by the constant shaking of the bridge as we drove on it reminding me of a piece I wrote on the bridge some time ago, ‘Avoidable Catas­trophe on Niger Bridge.’

Based on my observation it appeared that since I first wrote the piece, no significant ac­tion had been taken by the federal government to avert the catastrophe. I am greatly disturbed by the indifferent attitude of the federal govern­ment on this seminal matter that has enormous potential to stifle the economy of the region in particular and the country in general. It is insane for the past administrations to look the other way as the people of the region were suffering at the bridge.

Obviously, the potential danger of Niger Bridge collapsing did not awaken the past lead­ers from regrettable inaction. They never had the urgency to build a new bridge because of the impending calamity. Sadly, it is inconceivable that any government would allow its people to continue to risk their precious lives as they traveled on a dilapidated bridge. Unfortunately, I am compelled to ask the past leaders these questions: what was the priority of the country? What was the cherished value of Nigeria? What were your own values?

Maybe, this piece will awake the current poli­cymakers to realize the dangers travelers/mo­torists face when they are on the Niger Bridge. When I was on the bridge I was reminded the following statements made by some people when Mississippi River Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota collapsed on August 1, 2007: “I have never seen anything remotely like this before,” –Lt. Amelia Huffman, Minneapolis Police Dept.

“There was a very eerie silence right after the collapse. It was 5 to 10 minutes before I heard any sirens…” –Joe Costello “I got out of my car and the first thing I heard was [were]the kids screaming on the bus. I called 911. I didn’t real­ly know what else I could do.” –Flip Saunders

Those were some of the sentiments and an­guish expressed by the eyewitnesses to the rush hour catastrophic collapse of an eight-lane steel truss arch I-35W Mississippi River Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota on August 1, 2007. I could remember vividly that day and the en­suing wall to wall coverage of the accident by the television networks as I was on the Niger Bridge wondering if the devastation could happen there. Gloomily, the anguish could be quadrupled in the event that Niger Bridge col­lapses—an inevitable collapse that would re­verberate around the country; the predictable crumple is just a matter of time. Obviously, the calamity would result in scores of luxurious buses and other numerous vehicles with their passengers being plunged into River Niger— an avoidable reality. Indeed, there is a techni­cal report currently sitting with the Presidency warning that the present Niger Bridge will col­lapse any moment from now. This is alarming!

In fact, the associated human and economic costs of the predictable, but avoidable calamity of the Niger Bridge are enormous. Let me re­iterate, undoubtedly, the human and economic consequences resulting from Niger Bridge collapse would be gargantuan—loss of lives and livelihood—creating colossal human and financial burdens on families in the Southeast in particular. About thousands of people would lose their lives or be maimed for life leaving an indelible scare on their body, mind, and soul; transportation industry in the affected areas would grind to a halt, as well as loss of proper­ties; goods and services.

Also, the financial institutions and insurance industry would be gravely impacted resulting to uncontrollable inflation, and general economic disruption and dislocation of the affected re­gions that would cause massive economic de­terioration. The collapse would compound the utility loss and costs associated with public re­action and replacement, which may linger for generations.

It should be the policy of the federal gov­ernment to maintain and rebuild Nigeria’s infrastructure for continuous economic and human development. It is a sound domestic policy the policymakers and economic advis­ers should honestly embrace. The collapse of Niger Bridge will lead to the economic stran­gulation of the Southeast thereby affecting in­dustry and commerce in Nigeria, among other sectors, with unmitigated lurk behind severe unemployment and inflation. As a result, many past administrations have promised to build the second Niger Bridge. To build a lasting legacy, President Jonathan’s first 100 days in office should witness the actual signing of the con­tract to build the second Niger Bridge.

Mr. President, please commence work im­mediately on the second Niger Bridge. Do not allow this inevitable catastrophe happen on the current Niger Bridge. Don’t let it happen un­der your watch! The people desperately need your leadership on this matter. Please mobilize the National Assembly, Minister/Ministry of Works, Minister/Ministry of Transportation, and critical principals to action.

The country has reached a critical mass and the second Niger Bridge should be built with­out any further delay. Many past administra­tions made a promise to build a second Niger Bridge and dredge Niger River, but they failed the people. Please Mr. President, rise to this oc­casion and act without equivocation. Again, it is the moral obligation of the federal govern­ment to rebuild and maintain its infrastructure for economic viability, as well as economic growth of the nation.

  • Orabuchi lives in the United States of America
    (Source: The Sun)


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