Justice Abiru, Falana call for ethical re-orientation

Femi Falana

Justice Adewale Abi­ru, a judge of Court of Appeals in Kano and Femi Falana, human right lawyer, have said there must be concert­ed efforts to restore Ni­gerians’ values, moral uprightness, integrity, probity, transparency, accountability, fairness, equity and justice.

The duo spoke at the 4th Gani Fawehinmi Impact and Integrity Awards in Lagos organ­ised by Human and Envi­ronmental Development Agenda (HEDA Resource Centre) with the support of MacArthur Founda­tion.

Justice Abiru, while delivering his keynote ad­dress titled, ‘Towards en­suring a developed just: The role of transparency, accountability and integ­rity in public office’, said Nigerians need to go back to the basics.

“We must start by build­ing back better those as­pects of our cherished culture that revered hon­or, that treasured integri­ty, that prized probity, that appreciated accountabili­ty, that valued transparen­cy, that embraced honesty, that practiced fairness, that ensured equity, that dispensed justice fairly and which cherished pa­triotism.

“The first epidemic we must address is the one affecting our culture and true Nigeria-ness. We must have a nation where national interest buries self-interest.” (Daily Independent)

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