I’ve no issues with Obiano – Umeh

Obiano and Umeh at an APGA event
Obiano and Umeh at an APGA event

Former national chairman of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Chief Victor Umeh, has refuted reports that he is feuding with Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State, over the appointment of local government transition chairmen.

In a statement by the Director General of Victor Umeh Senatorial Campaign Organisation, Prince Emeka Udodeme, Umeh condemned the report describing it as false and unfounded.

The statement read in part: “We wish to state here categorically, that the said story is the handiwork of political evil merchants who do not wish the party and the state government well. Not only was the story completely false, it contained very malicious insinuations initiated by the sponsors in order to misinform the public on the relationship between Chief Umeh and the state governor.

“To make the records clear,  there has never been any discussion either in private or public between Chief Umeh and Governor Obiano in relation to the issue of transition chairmen, let alone disagreeing.

“Chief Umeh’s relationship with the governor is very cordial. Umeh is a good team player and respects constituted authority. It, therefore, follows that he is very supportive of Governor Obiano and the Anambra State Government.”

“He has in different fora, publicly declared his support and appreciation over the manner Governor Obiano has run the State which has led to the provision of abundant democratic dividends to the good people of Anambra State.

“We strongly believe and support the right of the media to disseminate information to the public without hindrance, but in doing so, caution must be placed on the authenticity and sacredness of facts.

We urge those behind this report to retrace their steps and return to the path of social decorum.” (Daily Sun)

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