Former health minister, Onyebuchi Chukwu, named The Authority icon

Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu
Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu

Citing his passion for selfless service and commitment to excellence, The Authority newspaper has named the former minister of health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu as its latest icon. Continue reading…

For being a level-headed leader, an inspi­rational pace-setter in a society badly in need of models to guide its advancement; for his sterling services to community, state, region and country and for demon­strating that focus and discipline are win­ning features any day, Professor Onyebu­chi Chukwu is The AUTHORITY Icon.

During the malevolent Ebola threat in Nigeria, he deployed a noteworthy inclusive, scientific strategy to limit and contain the scourge. He has had a dis­tinguished career in academia, medicine, administration, government and public ser­vice. Always a top-class student for much of his schooling life, he has also excelled in vari­ous managerial and administrative positions he held in service of his fatherland. Meet Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu.

He was born on April 22, 1962, in Afik­po, Ebonyi State. As a federal government scholar at the Federal Government College, Sokoto, young Chukwu had Distinction in the First School Leaving Certificate Exami­nation, in 1974. This was the best result in the school then. He was the Best All-round Student in Medicine in the Final Year Exam­ination (University of Lagos, 1986). He won awards as the Best Student in Primary Health Care (University of Lagos, 1986), Nigerian Medical Association Annual Prize and May & Baker Prize for Best Performance at the Final Professional Examination for MBBS, (University of Lagos, 1986).

On graduation, he continued to excel. He won the 2nd Prize in the 8th Baxter Health Care/Africa Health Essay Competition (1990) (Title of Essay: ‘Financing Health Through Cost-Recovery’); He was an Inter­national Scholar of the American Academic of Orthopaedic Surgery 2003 (one of four surgeons selected worldwide; the second Ni­gerian to achieve this distinction).

He also won the Friend of Pharmacy Award of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (Ebonyi State Branch) 2004; Rotary International President’s Citation for Out­standing Effort in the Four Avenues of Ser­vice 2004/2005; Vocational Service Award of the Inner Wheel Club of Abakaliki 2005; Distinguished Service Award of the Ni­gerian Medical Association (Ebonyi State Branch) 2005; Fellowship Merit Award of Excellence for Effective Social and Human Development of the Institute of Treasury Management and Corporate Finance of Nigeria 2006; Honorary Fellow (FCPS) Na­tional Association of Professional Secretarial Staff of Nigeria (NAPSSON) 2007; Award of Excellence (In appreciation of numerous contributions towards medical education in Nigeria) of the Nigerian Medical Students Association (NIMSA) 2008 and was induct­ed into THE ROLL OF HONOUR of the Nigerian Medical Association (Ebonyi State Branch) in 2008.

In 2007, he was appointed a Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ebonyi State Univer­sity Abakaliki; the Deputy Provost, College of Health Sciences, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki (4th November, 2008 – Date) and a Visiting Professor of Surgery, University of Nigeria Enugu Campus (with effect from 6th April 2010). He was appointed the Hon­ourable Minister of Health of the Federal Re­public of Nigeria in April 2010.

As Minister of Health, he championed the approval of the National Strategic Health Development Plan for the health sector by the Federal Executive Council of Nigeria and the signing of the International Health Partnership Plus (IHP+) Compact securing partners commitment to the implementa­tion of the plan. He was the Chairman of the 60th Session of the Regional Committee for Africa of the World Health Organization. He resigned this position in October 2014.

The distinguished professor is not found wanting in the areas of community and social service. Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu holds the membership of many national and international professional bodies. He has also attended and participated in several academic and professional conferences and workshops. He is happily married.

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