Amnesty calls for investigation into killing of seven youths in Imo


Amnesty International Nigeria has described as “horrifying”, the killing of seven youths in Imo State, Nigeria’s South-east. The operatives of a government-backed security outfit, Ebubeagu, were said to have carried out the killing on Sunday in a community called Owomama in Oru East Local Government Area where the youths had gone to attend a marriage ceremony. The victims were returning from the ceremony when the operatives allegedly opened fire on them.

Nnamdi Agbor, a leader in Otulu Community where the slain youths hailed from, was quoted in the local media as saying that the operatives kept firing gunshots on the victims who were down to ensure they were dead.

Mr Agbor said many others who ran into the bush were still missing while some who sustained gunshot injuries had been taken to hospitals. The police spokesperson in the state, Michael Abattam, confirmed the killing. He said the police have begun an investigation into it.

“It is horrifying that unarmed young men who clearly posed no threat to anyone were gunned down, in utter disdain for the right to life,” Osai Ojigho, the director of Amnesty International Nigeria, said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Such killings cannot be justified under any circumstances whatsoever,” he added.

“At least seven friends including two siblings were allegedly extrajudicially executed by members of the Ebubeagu state security outfit at Awomamma community in Oru East Local Government of Imo state on 17 July 2022.

“The young men were returning to their village after attending a wedding ceremony in a neighbouring community before their vehicle was intercepted by members of the Ebubeagu security outfit, extrajudicially killing seven and arresting two on Sunday night.

“Their remains were evacuated on Monday morning by villagers who organised a protest calling for an end to the activities of the dreaded Ebubeagu security outfit,” Mr Ojigho said.

Ebubeagu was set up in 2021 by governors of the five states in the South-east to help in the fight against insecurity in the region which has witnessed deadly attacks linked to the Biafra agitation by the outlawed Indigenous People of Biafra.

Mr Ojigho said Amnesty has documented Ebubeagu’s involvement in extrajudicial killings, torture, extortions and other crimes, in responding to the violence in the South-east.

The country’s law enforcement officers have been involved too in the crimes, he said. Media in 2016 published a detailed report on the massive extrajudicial killings in the South-east.

“Instead of launching proper investigations into these killings, security and government officials are often quick to claim victims of extrajudicial executions were caught up in shoot-outs or simply label them members of the Eastern Security Network (ESN), the armed wing of the Indigenous People of Biafra or unknown gunmen,” Mr Ojigho said.

“Nigerian authorities must end these unlawful killings. Authorities must promptly, thoroughly, and transparently investigate the killings and bring to justice, in fair trials, anyone suspected of criminal responsibility. Authorities must also ensure access to justice and effective remedies for victims and their families.

“International law requires Nigerian government to promptly investigate unlawful killings with a view to bringing perpetrators to justice.

“Amnesty International is calling on the Nigerian authorities to put an end to the patterns of extrajudicial executions, by carrying out a prompt, impartial, independent and effective investigation into the killings and other human rights violations committed by the Ebubeagu security outfit and other law enforcement officials,” he added.

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