The youthful stage comes once in a lifetime. It is a delicate phase of life, in that whatever is done at this stage either makes or mars the doer’s life forever. Although it is not bad to make mistakes and learn from them, it is pertinent to avoid some evitable ones and take time by the forelock. A plethora of opportunities are open for young people, as well as cankerworms of destruction. Those who fail to understand this phase culminate disastrously and wallow in inertia when old age comes. It is therefore crucial to recognise that the decisions and actions taken during this time can significantly shape the trajectory of one’s life.
In the same vein, it is important that young people understand the purpose of their existence. This, if done, becomes a blueprint to a happy life. Everyone was born for a reason. The appropriate thing to do as a young person is to find yourself, build yourself, and make the possibility of replacing you a mirage. Understand that trying to be like everyone else is akin to wandering in a circle without moving forward. Instead, be authentic and true to yourself. Discovering one’s purpose early can provide a clear direction and a sense of fulfillment, guiding you toward achieving your goals and making a meaningful impact.
Passion is the first step on the journey to self-discovery. It fuels your effort at becoming a better version of yourself. Take time to introspect, as there is something that ignites a spark in you. It is your duty to figure it out. Some people may have obtained a university degree before realising they treaded on the wrong path. However, it is not a waste. One or two things must have been learned which will add value to life. Therefore, as a young person, it is ideal to follow your passion. Passion drives motivation and persistence, making it easier to overcome obstacles and stay committed to your goals.
A lot of young people have discovered their purpose but lack the one virtue needed to pursue it – courage. Courage transcends all virtues because without it, practising other virtues consistently becomes an uphill climb. The best thing you can do for yourself is to courageously unleash your potential. You do that not only for yourself but for others. Some people may not get a job until you create one. That talent you’re being complacent about will solve a problem when you bless the world with it. Courage enables you to take risks, face challenges head-on, and turn your dreams into reality.
The alarming rate of mediocrity exhibited by most young people has rendered them incapacitated. You have to understand that no matter how far you’ve come in life, there is always room for improvement. The hunger to grow should be your catalyst for excellence. When you relax on the shores of complacency, retrogression sets in. Mediocrity hinders progress and stifles potential, making it essential to maintain a drive for continuous improvement and strive for excellence in all endeavors.
A lot of young people have concentrated on trivialities instead of what really matters. It is more fulfilling for young people to find their purpose early and channel their youthful exuberance into building their dreams. Once you leave this youthful phase, you will not get it back. Many older individuals work tirelessly for their daily bread because they failed to make good use of their youthful age. You would not want to make such a mistake. In any case, let hard work rear its head behind wishful thinking. By focusing on meaningful pursuits and putting in the effort now, you can avoid the regrets and struggles that often come with missed opportunities later in life.
It is laughable how young people who delve into immoral activities in the name of enjoying their lives are hopeful they have a lot of time. The uncomfortable truth is that there is no time. The youthful age is brief while old age is longer. The choice is now between working hard today to enjoy tomorrow or the other way around. It is important to know that it is not time which wastes away; it is the life of the person involved. In other words, you do not waste time, you waste your life. Procrastination and poor choices can lead to wasted opportunities, making it crucial to make the most of the present while you have the advantage of youthfulness.
If you have a long life on earth, there will be time to even struggle at old age. However, the sad reality is that you would not be young anymore, and the energy to work hard would have diminished. The only advantage you have now is that you are young. As energetic as you are, work hard so you would not have to wallow in guilt when strength fails you. Some may have put in enough effort and not seen massive results, but that is not a cogent reason to give up. Keep being persistent and dedicated, because success often requires sustained effort and resilience.
Young people are often encouraged to read other people’s success stories. But what is even more advisable is to read the challenges of successful people and how they overcame them. Doing this will go a long way in helping them tackle similar challenges when they come knocking at their doors. Learning from the experiences of others can provide valuable insights and strategies for overcoming obstacles, helping to navigate your own journey more effectively.
Everyone has the ability to make things better. So whatever you do, do it better. Go the extra mile to help people. Follow your dreams, don’t chase money. It is obvious that economic meltdown and coming from less privileged homes have made the youths chase money. The pangs of hunger have not given them a better option either. While some have subjected themselves to jobs below their standards, others have submerged themselves into the pool of illegitimate means of making money. However, these do not make life better. It is advisable to learn a skill and become so dexterous that your talent makes you shine. What is that skill you love? Go learn it and be the best you can be. It brings peace. By focusing on developing valuable skills and pursuing your passions, you create a more fulfilling and sustainable path to success, rather than relying solely on financial gain.
Dear youths, as we celebrate International Youth Day today, arise, search your environment, and think of the best way to contribute your own quota in solving the problems around you. You are at an advantage because you are young. Seize that opportunity and give the world your best. Embrace the unique position of youth to make a positive impact. Remember that your actions today can shape a brighter future for yourself and others. Take action and soar.