UNICEF tasks journalists on child rights


The United Nations Children’s Fund has tasked journalists on the need to pay attention to respect the rights of every child during reportage.

This was contained in a report titled, ‘Principles and guidelines for media reporting on children’, made available to The Punch on Friday.

In the report, UNICEF noted that media reporting on children and young people should never put them at risk.

“In interviewing (and reporting on) children, pay special attention to each child’s right to privacy and confidentiality, to have their opinions heard, to participate in decisions affecting them and to be protected from harm and retribution,” the report stated.

It further reinstated the need for journalists to protect the identity of children involved in sexual or physical abuse, living with HIV/AIDS or convicted of a crime.

UNICEF noted that such children should have their names changed and visual identity obscured.
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“Do not further stigmatise any child; avoid categorisations or descriptions that expose a child to negative reprisals – including additional physical or psychological harm, or to lifelong abuse, discrimination or rejection by their local communities,” the report noted.

It added, “Always provide an accurate context for the child’s story or image.”

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