SSANU asks FG to create jobs, tackle rising cost of living




The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) has asked the federal government to immediately address rising cost of living in the country.

It said that the most effective ways to tackle the monstrous insecurity that was ravaging Nigeria today should be for the federal government to try and bring down the high cost of goods and services, provide jobs for teaming unemployed youths and fund education and health sectors appropriately.

SSANU said: “How could it be that our children are no longer safe in our schools because of incessant kidnapping and killings, yet those that it falls on their shoulders to take actions are busy politicking.

“How could it be that prices of food and other commodities are skyrocketing everyday in the country and citizens are going to bed without food, yet our leaders and political leaders have not shown any concern.

“It’s therefore time for government at all levels to sit-up and squarely face its constitutional responsibilities of protecting and providing basic needs of Nigerians.”

The union in its goodwill message to Nigerians to mark 61st independence anniversary, signed by the National President, Comrade Mohammed Ibrahim, said that despite the challenges and the hard times the country faces at the moment, there was still reason to celebrate and give thanks to God for keeping us united.

“Despite the challenges and the hard times facing our beloved country Nigeria at the moment, it is still a thing of joy and indeed worthy of giving all praises and glory to God Almighty for sustaining and keeping us alive.

“It is my belief that; because we made it thus far, we shall further survive and our country shall also be great again. As encapsulated in our national pledge “the Labour of our hero’s past shall never be in vain,” he said.

The union said it was pertinent to state that the current difficult situation Nigeria and Nigerians are facing are evidently all man-made, therefore it’s surmountable.

According to the union, the level of disconnect between the political class and the masses was quite disheartening, adding that it is glaring that most members of the political class are only busy pursuing political power and have forgotten the social contract they signed with the citizens.

“This has become evident by the monstrous insecurity that is ravaging Nigeria. Free movement of people, goods and services have become almost impossible due to insecurity and the deplorable nature of our highways, yet the most trending topic for our political leaders from the South to the North is 2023 elections.

“Those we elected and gave power to lead our country must find solutions to our problems and bring development to our communities. Politicians must re-invent themselves and be true countrymen who strive and work for the common good of the country and its citizens. Nigeria’s own case must not be different from what other developed countries are doing.

“It’s time for government to jettison the old attitude of reneging the fulfilment of agreements it entered into with unions in the labour sector for a change,” it added.

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