Russia has declared war on Ukraine, Envoy tells UN Security Council

Ukraine's Ambassador to the United Nations Sergiy Kyslytsya
Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United Nations Sergiy Kyslytsya

Ukrainian Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya has told the UN Security Council that Russia had declared war on his country, calling on the Council to stop Russian troops from attacking Ukraine.

The 15-member body met on Wednesday night in the second emergency Security Council meeting on Ukraine in three days.

Kyslytsya said that most of his statement was “useless now” after the Russian Ambassador had stated openly from the floor of the Council that President Vladimir Putin had “declared war on my country”.
He welcomed the intention of some Council members to submit a resolution condemning the aggression against Ukraine, saying “there is no purgatory for war criminals. They go straight to hell”.

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Kyslytsya asked the Russian Ambassador to clarify whether Ukraine was being bombed “at this very moment”.

“It’s too late to speak about de-escalation. Too late. The Russian President declared a war. Should I play the video of your President? You declared a war. It’s responsibility of this body to stop the war,” Kyslytsya said, directing his comments to Russian Ambassador Nebenzya.

Considering this “delectation of war” the Ukrainian Ambassador said that the Russian Federation should “relinquish the responsibilities of Council President and transfer them on to a responsible member of the Council who respected the Charter”.

Moreover, he continued, the Security Council should pause the session to consider all resolutions and recommendations to stop the war.

“I call on every one of you to do everything possible to stop the war,” he said.

Russian Ambassador Vasily Alekseevich Nebenzya, who is serving as the President of the Council for February, said that after listening to the statements tonight and in recent days, it was difficult to explain intensification of shelling by the Ukrainian regime of civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk.

All the speeches and speakers seemed not to care for those people “who are living in basements. They seemed not to care about the refugees are fleeing to Russia,” he said, as if “those four million people simply don’t exist”.

“We tried yesterday and the day before to explain the logic by which Russia recognised the regions in the Donbas, but you just didn’t want to hear it; then or now.

“The people of the Donbas have been living in fear for the past eight years under Ukraine’s shelling and aggressions,” he said.

The Russian Ambassador stated that “the root of today’s crisis around Ukraine is Ukraine itself, which has for years been undermining the Minsk Agreements and calls for de-escalation”.

He went on to say that he had just learned that President Putin had declared a special military operation in the region, but that was all he knew and would need more time to gather specific information.

“I will keep you appraised of the situation,” he said and added that “occupation of Ukraine is not in our plan, our plan is to protect the people from the genocide perpetrated by the regime in Kyiv”.

Before the end of the meeting, several members of the Council took the floor a second time to condemn President Putin’s announcement of Russia’s so-called “special military operation” in areas of eastern Ukraine.
U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that the meeting was being held tonight because, along with Ukraine, we believe that a full-scale further invasion is imminent.

She pointed to the Russians closing airspace, moving troops into Donbas and moving forces into combat-ready positions.

“This is a perilous moment and we’re here for one reason, and one reason only: to ask Russia to stop. Return to your borders.

“Send your troops, your tanks, and your planes back to their barracks and hangars. And send your diplomats to the negotiating table. Back away from the brink, before it is too late.”

Thomas-Greenfield reminded that Russia called previous predictions “hysterical,” saying that we were lying and were supplying the world with misinformation.

“But what we said would happen has come to pass, for all the world to see,” the U.S. Ambassador said. “We must confront this threat head-on”.

French Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière said that Russia is on the verge of provoking chaos in Ukraine and striking “an unjustifiable blow to peace and security in the heart of Europe”.

He said that President Putin had been planning this assault for months and had consistently and patiently undermined Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“Throughout all this, Ukraine had shown remarkable restraint, including restraining from violence,” de Rivière said.

He reminded that European allies and the United States had consistently expressed commitment to work together with Russia to seek a diplomatic solution and “the international community had made its united voice heard earlier today in the General Assembly, calling for respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty.

In the face of all this, the French Ambassador said that “if Russia confirms that its choice is war it will have to take all the responsibility and pay the price”.

UK Ambassador Dame Barbara Woodward noted that for months, Russia has been holding “a gun to Ukraine’s head”.

Members of the Security Council, General Assembly and the Secretary-General himself had been calling for an end to Russia’s aggression.

“The world is calling for peace, but Russia is not listening,” she said.

As such, the United Kingdom, she said, will not compromise its commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“We will not compromise our commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter…most of all the founding principle that we live together as good neighbours,” Woodward said. (NAN) (

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