Ndigbo should allow Kanu go through due process of law ― Anthony Sani

Nnamdi Kanu
Nnamdi Kanu

Elder statesman and chieftain of the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF), Anthony NZ Sani, has appealed to the Ndigbo to allow acclaimed separatist agitator, Nnamdi Kanu to follow the due process of law instead of begging for his unconditional release.

He said in an exclusive interview with our correspondent that when Igbo leaders ask President Buhari to release Kanu unconditionally, “one is at a loss as to the aim of such plead, considering the charges which the state has against Kanu and his IPOB are very grave.”

According to Sani,” we are operating democracy which is the rule of law. One would think allowing Mr Kanu to go through the legal processes would improve the tenets of our nascent democracy and peaceful coexistence.

“Nigerians would know whether felony of secession is an offence against the state or not.”

“But to release Kanu unconditionally without testing our legal system and, thus, our fledgling democracy may not serve the public good.”

“If after going through the due processes of law and Kanu is found guilty, the government is at liberty to release him unconditionally either on compassionate grounds or for political expediency. This approach may serve a greater good.”

“But if he is released now unconditionally as being requested by the Igbo leaders, it may convey an impression that Danegeld’s theory of rewarding bad behaviour is being encouraged by both the Igbo leaders and the government.”

“I, therefore, prefer Kanu goes through all the processes before any consideration for release. And if the due processes do not find him guilty and set him free of the charges, it would still be good for our democracy”, Anthony N Z Sani said.


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