NBA warns against reckless court rulings

Olumide Akpata

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has warned courts against recklessness in the handling of cases.

It said that caution was highly needed by the courts to prevent anarchy and loss of public confidence in the judiciary.

In a statement by its President, Olumide Akpata, the NBA  said it would soon obtain the Certified true Copies (CTC) of the  FHC proceedings and processes filed in the case to enable it to take a position.

The association also urged Nigerians, particularly lawyers, to refrain from employing intemperate language to characterise judgments and/or judges.

The statement partly reads in part: “ The NBA must emphatically state that all courts must act in accordance with the dictates of the law and having regard to justice in order to forestall the breakdown of law and order which is certain to occur when the generality of Nigerians ultimately lose confidence in the court system.

“The NBA wishes to call on Nigerians and especially legal practitioners, to refrain from employing intemperate language to characterise judgments and/or judges of our courts.

“The rules of professional conduct and the ethics that regulate our profession enjoin us to treat our courts and judges with the utmost respect.

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