Ikedi Ohakim to challenge Attorney-General’s take over of case with mistress – Lawyer


Former Imo State Governor, Ikedi Ohakim, has challenged the ruling of the Federal High Court in Abuja that granted permission to the Attorney-General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami to take over the trial of the case relating to nude videos of Ms Chinyere Amuchinwa.

This was contained in a statement by his legal counsel, Aloy Ejimakor, made available to SaharaReporters on Tuesday.

According to the statement titled, “AGF taking over case of Dr Ikedi Ohakim is erroneous”, Ohakim stated that the matter with Amuchinwa was cooked by critics to dent his outstanding image.

While he vowed that the matter would be addressed legally, he, then questioned the involvement of the AGF in the case.

SaharaReporters reported that the court fixed October 21, 2021, for the arraignment of Ohakim, for allegedly threatening to release the nude photos of an Abuja-based woman, Amuchienwa.

“Justice Taiwo Taiwo ordered the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice, Abubakar Malami to take over the prosecution of case from the Inspector-General of Police.”

Reacting, the statement by Ejimakor, read, “This press release pertains to a ruling yesterday by a Federal High Court in Abuja granting leave to the Attorney-General of the Federation to take over prosecution Dr Ikedi Ohakim over a matter relating to nude videos of one Chinyere Amuchinwa.

“Having considered the ramifications of this ruling, we now wish to inform the public that while we continue to abide in respects for decisions of Courts, this very ruling will be promptly challenged in all appropriate fora, because it bears no relevance to the material particulars of the dispute.

“At worst, the ruling created false impressions that, in the course of time, will be fully dealt with. Meanwhile, the emphasis needs to be made that this whole saga persists because Dr Ohakim, as a former Governor and politically exposed, has detractors that have latched on this case to tarnish his stellar reputation.

“For avoidance of doubt, the said Chinyere Amuchinwa is already a defendant before an FCT High on the same set of facts that the Federal High Court made the instant ruling against Dr Ohakim. This development should have foreclosed this later ruling because, at law, Dr Ohakim cannot lawfully face trial on the same set of facts upon which Ms Amuchinwa was already facing trial.

“It is also pertinent to note that these Charges were already discontinued by the complainants (Nigeria Police) before someone suddenly materialised from the office of the Attorney-General, insisting on taking over the case.

“In particular, Ms Amuchinwa is facing trial because official police forensic evidence revealed that she was the one that produced the nude video she had accused Dr Ohakim of photoshopping. So, one wonders why a Court should rule that Dr Ohakim will stand trial on a matter upon which forensic evidence had exonerated him.

“Further, this Court ruling seemingly ignored the long and twisted history of the case. In addition to the damning forensic evidence on the nude video, the other reason Nigerian Police Force discontinued the related Charges against Dr Ohakim was when they became aware that the Charges were brought in flagrant disobedience of an extant order of a competent court.

“In the light of the above, we are convinced that this very ruling was made per incuriam (in manifest error) and will thus not survive the avalanche of the legal challenges that will be brought to bear, sooner than later.”

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