Wole Soyinka
Wole Soyinka

Nobel Laureate, Pro­fessor Wole Soyinka, on Friday, debunked claims that he paid tribute to the presidential can­didate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Ahmed Bola Tinubu.

A tribute titled, ‘Prof Wole Soyinka’s tribute to Sen Asiwa­ju Tinubu’ purportedly written by Soyinka eulogising Tinubu on his political accomplish­ments had gone viral on various WhatsApp platforms shortly af­ter he emerged the presidential flagbearer of the APC.
The elder statesman had ear­lier in the year also dismissed a social media post endorsing Tinubu for the 2023 Presidency.
Soyinka, in a statement is­sued by his spokesman, Abiola Owoaje, described the trending post as the handiwork of indo­lent identity thieves whose pre­occupation is to deceive the gen­eral public with phoney social media posts to gain prominence.

He maintained that he does not operate or own social media accounts.

The statement further said, “The literary luminary reiter­ated his position on the 2023 elections and the issues sur­rounding it, noting that he has no business meddling in the struggle for power by political parties in the country.

“Soyinka enjoins the general public to be on alert to the antics of faceless cowards spreading falsehood, adding that they should not partake in the despi­cable action of the author by spreading the cocktail of lies.”

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